First of all, it's blowing my mind that it's the end of day 174. This means: I'm leaving for Kuma in less than three weeks, I'm coming home to visit in a month, and YC sikkum is in three months! sdafhkdjsafhsj! Time freaks me out a lot. I suppose mostly because if this year can go by this quickly, what does that mean for college and the rest of my life? I know I shouldn't be thinking about these things, but my little mind can't help itself.
In the meantime, I still have no idea what's attacking me. I got my voice back in time to sing for my Zionism and the Arts final today, but my nose, beyond-normal exhaustion, headaches, and varying appetite are going to still trying to do me in. Right now, I am lying in bed typing and trying to figure out how I have completely lost sensation of movement in my legs... I'm going to force myself not to miss anything during this last week in J-ru, although that may mean confinement for the first week of Bat Yam. Hopefully not! =(
Today's final was the greatest final ever! We ate, presented our artistic representations of Israel, and watched Eurovision videos. It. Was. Amazing. I could watch Dana International forever! Granted, there were some truly terrifying videos in amongst the gems, but it was a riot to laugh in pain at some of the 70s and 80s work... My hebrew oral is tomorrow. That's in no way going to be as fun.
PURIM IS COMING UP! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm sad to not be at home with my campy performing troup destroying Broadway, but Purim in Israel is going to be incredible. =D Purim is essentially halloween in Israel. Everyone dresses up, drinks, and celebrates with massive mayhem. Traditionally, Purim celebrates the story of Esther and how she saved the Jewish people of Persia from genocide by the hands of the evil Haman. So, in good Jewish fashion, we are supposed to celebrate not having been wiped off the face of the earth by stuffing our faces and drinking wine. Like every other holiday... In Israel. Purim lasts two days! Saturday night to Monday night. Saturday night/Sunday day is regular Purim, and we're all going to the parade in Holon near Tel Aviv. Sunday night/Monday is Shushan Purim, which is Purim in Jerusalem. I still don't fully understand the difference, but hey, no complaints!
Thinking of all of you,
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